
There will be lots of different bands in 2012. Due to many requests the musicians SKI, Mike and Gitty will be there again. Mike and our DJ will be rocking the Chili bar.
more bands - coming soon! |
Das große RAMMSTEIN-Tribute-Konzert
Mit bemerkenswerter Präzision arrangiert STAHLZEIT nicht nur die Musik in dem für RAMMSTEIN so typisch brachialen Bombast-Livesound. Auch die aufwendige Pyro-Show wird ebenso kompromisslos wie spektakulär umgesetzt. Dazu kommt die verblüffende Ähnlichkeit von STAHLZEIT-Frontmann Heli Reißenweber in Aussehen, Stimme und Performance mit RAMMSTEIN-Sänger Till Lindemann. Mit Mega-Technik und einem beeindruckenden Bühnenbild werden sämtliche Höhepunkte der bisherigen RAMMSTEIN-Tourneen in einer schweißtreibenden 2-Stunden-Show vorbildgetreu in Szene gesetzt. Keiner der großen RAMMSTEIN-Hits wird ausgelassen. Ein Best-Of Programm aus älteren wie auch topaktuellen Songs steigert sich im Laufe der Show von einem Superlativ zum nächsten. Computergesteuert und von einer professionellen Pyrocrew in Szene gesetzt, wird die Show von genau diesen unglaublichen Feuersbrünsten getragen, deren Masse und Vielfältigkeit man bisher nur bei einem Original RAMMSTEIN-Konzert live zu sehen und förmlich zu spüren bekommen hat. STAHLZEIT ist die europaweit meistgebuchte Tributeband und begeistert seit Jahren die Fans und Fachpresse gleichermaßen mit einer grandiosen Hommage an die erfolgreichste Industrial-Band der Welt.
Das große RAMMSTEIN-Tribute-Konzert
Dank der spielerischen Klasse der Musiker und der variablen Stimme von Mitch stehen Titel von so unterschiedlichen Bands wie Metallica, Paradise Lost, Sepultura, Type'O'Negative, Dimmu Borgir, einigen anderen und natürlich ihre eigenen Songs auf dem Programm, wenn die Jungs live die Bühne rocken.
Rocco Recycle
Kennen Sie schon? … Falsch!
Alle Instrumente sind vom Meister aus Schrott selbst erschaffen. Bevorzugte Materialien sind Kanister, Auspuffe, Mülltonnen, Wasserrohre etc.. Präsentiert wird die ganze Show auf einem selbstgebauten Dreirad mit Solex Antrieb.
Rocco recyclet nicht nur Schrott sondern auch Musik. So reicht sein Repertoire von Jazz, Blues, Pop, Rock, Punk bis hin zur Klassik. Rocco Recycle ist einer der interessantesten Liveacts Europas. Sei es auf der Straße oder auf der Bühne.
Their wealth of experience makes Saxon a real instance in Heavy Metal. Rightly regarded as one of the leading bands of the genre alongside colleagues such as Iron Maiden, Saxon also had a major impact on numerous platinum-coated bands like Metallica and Megadeth. Founded as Son of a Bitch in 1976 (renamed in 1978 in Saxon), they enjoyed enormous commercial success in Britain in the eighties, with 8 UK Top 40 albums and 13 million albums sold worldwide. Classics such as "Wheels of Steel", "Strong Arm Of The Law", "Denim & Leather" and "The Power and the Glory" have become part of any respectable heavy metal collection. On stage, Saxon has always been particularly convincing. Whether in front of 20,000 fans in Buenos Aires or 2,000 people in Bolton, Byford, Carter, Glockler, Quinn and Scarratt, always perform the same high-energy, blood and sweat-soaked show. Saxon became one of the most popular tourband.
"We have always tried to write songs that both us and our fans like," says Biff ". We need the audience and we need to reach them at every show. This is a challenge that we gratefully accept and enjoy. If the audience is willing to go crazy, then the performance is great.
Wacken offers us the best conditions in this regard. This magic, this electricity is no fake. “If everyone feels this ‘tension’, it's just priceless ... "
Those who had never been privileged to experience Saxon, now have the opportunity. But even those who have experienced them already and want to revive the memory of them, should get Saxon "Heavy Metal Thunder - Live - Eagles Over Wacken". Saxon is and remains Saxon - the only constant in a rapidly changing world.
Pussy Sisster
If Axl. W Rose listens to the new disc of the Karlsruhe-sleaze rockers Pussy Sisster, he will fall into melancholy. The Pussy Sissters spin the wheel of history backwards. They mix elements of Gunner with Motley Crue-side trips and they prove to be brilliant composers on their third album. Thanks to frontman Alex Nad, the ballads are as convincing as the rock songs. Furthermore they have a brilliant sound (produced by Dennis Ward of Pink Cream 69, a renowned sound engineer) and a comfortable pace in terms of variety and hardness. By the way, whom the band name or the sound of this band sounds familiar: The band provides the soundtrack to the VOX TV series "Goodbye Germany! Die Auswanderer’. Friends of hand-made rock music, who waited much too long for news from Cinderella, Ratt and Poison: This is the disc to celebrate excessively and woriless.
B*O*N – The AC/DC Show - A Tribute To Bon Scott
The Bon Scott – Years 1974 - 1980
THE tribute show for the 1980 deceased, legendary singer of the Australian rock band AC / DC. The song selection of the show includes all five studio albums recorded with Bon Scott.
The band performs songs of this memorable era in the original sound and the lead guitar played by Dennis Young comes his role model very close.
2 hours of High Voltage Rock'n'Roll will experience the fans, if B * O * N performs on stage and bangs the electrifying classics of the Bon Scott – era. Hereby the bands forgoes to all modern, technical frippery that might distract from the pure sound of early AC / DC. The songs are presented as authentically as possible, which allows only one conclusion: Here are musicians at work who know their craft and keep up with meticulous attention to detail in order to honor Bon Scott.
Once lead guitarist Dennis Young Once is unleashed, he plays himself into a veritable frenzy, running from one stage side to the other, throwing himself to the ground and his razor-sharp solos into the roaring crowd. Supported by the powerful bass of Danny Evans, the whipping drums of Holle Rudd and Randy Tyler's rhythm guitar. Singer Shorty le Bon tops it all when he sings with his rough and unpolished voice about women, whiskey and rock'n'roll .
During a B * O * N - Show the boisterous and cheeky feeling awakens, for which the former AC / DC - Concerts of the '70s were well known.
B * O * N are among the best AC / DC tribute bands in Germany.
Gil Edwards & The Knuckleheads
The Musician Gil Edwards (USA) is coming back to Germany. He and his band "Gil Edwards & The Knuckleheads" don’t cover old heroes of their childhood, instead they enthuse the audience with their very own style. Gil Edwards & The Knuckleheads offer rock at its finest: "powerful, straight and uncompromising." Likewise, they show their special qualities by playing blues and country music.
Red Back Spyders
The Red Back Spyders perform wild rockabilly songs and well-known Rock and Roll pieces from the early 50s and from today. The lifestyle of the 50s but, also the objective to perform owns pieces are the bases of the energy-packed shows! Rockabillies go, go!
For 27 years, singer and guitarist Stefan Jahn has been on the road with his boys . The band enjoys an excellent reputation nationwide and even abroad. Countless performances at clubs, festivals and nine extensive UK tours are the impressive proof of that fact.
Blues Power plays all the highlights Blues-Rock has to offer, but also songs written by Jahn, that combine a unique mix of Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and ZZ Top.
On stage, Blues Power convinces with professional sound and a breathtaking show. The musicians understand how to enthuse the audience. An Evening with Blues Power is an unforgettable event. The audience experiences pure action non stop!
BLUES POWER plays honest and earthy music. One senses that the band lives for the music they play. "Long live Rock'n'Blues!"
The band was formed in 2004 by Mathias Schmitt "Matze" lead guitar, and Michael Seufert "Joe" vocals and rhythm guitar. The trio is strongly supported by drummer Stefan Steuerwald "The Kessler", and Joe's oldest brother, Peter Seufert "Pit", bass. The band has played at numerous events and parties, and stayed always true to their earthy style which includes mostly Rock and Blues. In April 2009, the "get your Ink" album was presented, with 12 self-written tracks mostly about tattoo storys.
The guitar is their dominating instrument, but also instruments like saxophone, harmonica, kazoo and tattoo machines are used. The repertoire includes more than 100 cover songs. Thus a varied performance is guaranteed.
One woman - one unique voice - one guitar.
That’s all what it takes to experience pure power .
The musician is known throughout Germany and Austria as "The Power Voice".
Many compare her smoky voice to Janis Joplin’s.
Due to numerous gigs at Harley / biker events the musician established herself, especially in the biker scene. She performs mainly covered Country, Folk and Rrock songs but also self-written songs.
Danny and the Wonderbras
describes the music and the lifestyle of "Danny and the Wonderbras" probably best. The band plays Rock and Roll and lives Rock and Roll!
With an average of 15 gigs per month, they may be rightly described as one of the "hardest working bands in the business". Their program ranges from self-written danceable, melodic songs to the classic Rock 'n'Rroll genre of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly and many others and further to Country & Western songs of Johnny Cash and Hank Williams.
In addition to the classic rockabilly trio (guitar, bass, drums) is the 2-part harmony singing in the Everly Brothers-style yet another distinctive feature of their music. The ability to integrate genre-crossing musical styles in their songs and to deliver genuine "Rock and Roll" with its own handwriting, make the drive and charm of "Danny and the Wonderbras".
Guitarist and vocalist Danny Wünschel formed the band in summer 2005. Due to the great number of live performances, not least, the publication of the first album "End of the Road" in 2008, the band made a name nationally and internationally. Since the beginning of 2010 the band plays with a new line: With bassist Matthew "Matt" and drummer Torsten Kraus "Toschi" Neumaier rocks the band on stage as well as on the current CD "It's Time to Rock'n'Roll" (2010 ) with even more drive and new energy, which is reflected also in the strong, authentic stage presence.
In their live shows it becomes perfectly clear that it is time to rock and roll!
FIRST GENERATION is a Rock band of the very first hour (founded in 1987). More than 20 years ago the first generation of the rockband NUMBER NINE rocked the MusicHall in Geiselwind.
In 1994 the band members went seperate ways, but since 2009 the band has started to perform again under the name FIRST GENERATION of NUMBER NINE, playing only a few gigs every year.
Since 2012 FIRST GENERATION is back in Geiselwind and the theme “Back to the roots” is more than appropriate.
SKI KING became famous as an ELVIS impersonator. At the moment he is mainly performing Johnny Cash songs with his country band. After winning the “Walk- the –Line “ Song contest he recorded a Johnny Cash cover album. He makes an unforgettable impression on people who see him live on stage.
Mike Hempel
Live music on the brink of good taste including insulting of guests. Visit www.hempel-entertainment.de to find out more about Mike Hempel, pictures and tourdates. If you have nonsense to say please wirte in his guest book.
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